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Commit ca696e4d authored by WASQUEL Valentin's avatar WASQUEL Valentin
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proof step : incorrect env -> semi_correct

parent 11166650
Branches improve-env-8
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......@@ -1371,6 +1371,132 @@ Module FPS_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
unfold FP_E.normalise_block_id. simpl in Hidb. rewrite Hidb2.
Lemma All_exception_to_user_block : forall (exce : fp_exception),
get_expt_block_id exce < get_nb_block (` (` fps)) - 1.
Lemma All_forbidden_derout_from_user_block : forall (fb : fp_forbidden_deroute),
get_fbd_from fb < get_nb_block (` (` fps)) - 1.
Lemma Incorrect_idb_goto_block_is_semi_correct : forall e new_id,
~semi_correct_env e -> semi_correct_env (FPE_BS.Common_Sem.goto_block (` (` fps)) e new_id).
intros e new_id.
unfold FPE_BS.Common_Sem.goto_block. destruct e as [st t]. unfold semi_correct_env. simpl.
intros Nsc. generalize dependent t. unfold Common_Sem.forbidden_deroute.
induction (Common.get_fp_forbidden_deroutes (` (` fps))).
- simpl. intros t.
have sol := (change_block_is_semi_correct {| get_state := st; get_trace_env := t |} new_id).
destruct (change_block (` (` fps)) {| get_state := st; get_trace_env := t |} new_id) as [st' t'].
apply sol.
- simpl. unfold Common_Sem.test_forbidden_deroute.
assert (nav_block st =? get_fbd_from a = false).
have contra := (All_forbidden_derout_from_user_block a).
to_nat contra. apply Nat.eqb_neq. unfold correct_block_id in Nsc. ssrlia.
rewrite H. simpl. apply IHf.
Lemma Incorrect_idb_run_step_to_semi_correct_not_0 : forall e,
~semi_correct_env e -> get_nav_stage e <> 0 ->
semi_correct_env (run_step (` fps) e).
intros e Nsc Hids.
rewrite run_step_equation.
unfold run_stage. unfold get_current_stage. simpl.
unfold FP_E.get_stage. rewrite (Incorrect_idb_getstage_default Nsc).
simpl in *.
destruct (nav_stage (get_state e)) eqn:Eids.
+ exfalso. apply Hids. reflexivity.
+ destruct s.
simpl. unfold next_block. unfold FPE_BS.fp.
destruct (get_nav_block (reset_stage (` (` fps)) e) <? 255);
apply Incorrect_idb_goto_block_is_semi_correct;
unfold reset_stage; unfold update_nav_stage; unfold mk_fp_env; simpl;
unfold semi_correct_env; apply Nsc.
destruct s;
simpl; unfold next_block; unfold FPE_BS.fp;
destruct (get_nav_block (reset_stage (` (` fps)) e) <? 255);
apply Incorrect_idb_goto_block_is_semi_correct;
unfold reset_stage; unfold update_nav_stage; unfold mk_fp_env; simpl;
unfold semi_correct_env; apply Nsc.
Lemma Incorrect_idb_excecption_is_semi_correct : forall e e1,
~semi_correct_env e -> Common_Sem.exception (` (` fps)) e = (true, e1) ->
semi_correct_env e1.
unfold Common_Sem.exception. induction (Common.get_fp_exceptions (` (` fps))).
- (*local exception *)
simpl. unfold get_local_exceptions. unfold get_current_block.
intros e e1 Nsc. assert (FP_E.get_block (` (` fps)) (get_nav_block e) = get_default_block (` (` fps))).
apply get_block_default_block. unfold FPE_BS.fp.
unfold semi_correct_env in Nsc. unfold correct_block_id in Nsc. to_nat Nsc. ssrlia.
rewrite H. simpl. intros contra. inversion contra.
- (* global exception *)
simpl. unfold Common_Sem.test_exception. intros e e1 Nsc.
assert (get_expt_block_id a =? get_nav_block e = false).
have Hexep := All_exception_to_user_block a.
apply Nat.eqb_neq. unfold semi_correct_env in Nsc.
unfold correct_block_id in Nsc. to_nat Hexep. intros contra.
apply Nsc. ssrlia.
rewrite H. unfold evalc.
destruct (~~ EVAL_Def.eval (get_trace e) (get_expt_cond a)).
+ (** induction *)
apply IHf. apply Nsc.
+ (** case *)
intros E. inversion E; subst; clear E. apply Incorrect_idb_goto_block_is_semi_correct.
apply Nsc.
Lemma Incorrect_idb_no_excecption_not_semi_correct : forall e e1,
~semi_correct_env e -> Common_Sem.exception (` (` fps)) e = (false, e1) ->
~semi_correct_env e1 /\ get_nav_stage e = get_nav_stage e1.
unfold Common_Sem.exception.
induction (Common.get_fp_exceptions (` (` fps))).
- simpl.
unfold get_local_exceptions. unfold get_current_block.
intros e e1 Nsc. assert (FP_E.get_block (` (` fps)) (get_nav_block e) = get_default_block (` (` fps))).
apply get_block_default_block.
unfold semi_correct_env in Nsc. unfold correct_block_id in Nsc. unfold FPE_BS.fp. to_nat Nsc. ssrlia.
rewrite H. simpl. intros Sol. inversion Sol. split. apply Nsc. reflexivity.
- simpl.
unfold Common_Sem.test_exception. intros e e1 Nsc.
assert (get_expt_block_id a =? get_nav_block e = false).
have Hexep := All_exception_to_user_block a.
apply Nat.eqb_neq. unfold semi_correct_env in Nsc.
unfold correct_block_id in Nsc. to_nat Hexep. intros contra.
apply Nsc. ssrlia.
rewrite H. unfold evalc. destruct (~~ EVAL_Def.eval (get_trace e) (get_expt_cond a)).
+ (* induction *)
apply IHf. apply Nsc.
+ intros contra. inversion contra.
Lemma Incorrect_idb_step_to_semi_correct_not_0 : forall e,
~semi_correct_env e -> get_nav_stage e <> 0 ->
semi_correct_env (FPE_BS.step (` fps) e).
intros e Nsc. unfold FPE_BS.step. unfold FPE_BS.fp. destruct (Common_Sem.exception (` (` fps)) e) as [b e'] eqn:Eexception.
destruct b.
(** exception *)
- intros _. apply Incorrect_idb_excecption_is_semi_correct with e.
+ apply Nsc.
+ apply Eexception.
- intros Hids.
apply (Incorrect_idb_no_excecption_not_semi_correct Nsc) in Eexception as [Nsc' Eids].
apply Incorrect_idb_run_step_to_semi_correct_not_0 in Nsc'.
apply Nsc'. rewrite <- Eids. apply Hids.
Definition step_size (fps: flight_plan_sized) (e e': fp_env8) :=
  • Author Developer

    if we call a step for an environment that isn't semi-correct (e.i. incorrect nav block id) and the current stage isn't 0, it will become semi-correct :

    • either because id will encounter an exception,
    • or because it will be rederect to the default stage
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