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  • b.pollien/vfpg
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with 156 additions and 140 deletions
......@@ -11,19 +11,20 @@ autopilots.
## Dependencies
* [Coq]( (tested with version 8.15)
* [Coq]( (tested with version 8.16.1)
* [OCaml]( (tested with version 4.13.1)
* [OCamlbuild]( (tested with version 0.14.1)
* [xml-light]( (tested with version 2.4)
* [Menhir]( (tested with version 20220210)
* [Coq-Mathcomp-SSReflect]( (tested with version 1.15.0)
* [xml-light]( (tested with version 2.5)
* [Menhir]( (tested with version 20230608)
* [coq-menhirlib]( (tested with version 20230608)
* [Coq-Mathcomp-SSReflect]( (tested with version 1.16.0)
The dependencies can be installed using [OPAM](
(version 2.0 or later):
opam repo add coq-released
opam install coq ocamlbuild xml-light menhir coq-mathcomp-ssreflect coq-menhirlib
opam install coq ocamlbuild xml-light menhir coq-menhirlib coq-mathcomp-ssreflect
To generate the documentation, the package `graphviz` must be installed:
......@@ -78,7 +79,10 @@ All the tests available are described [here](./docs/
has been modified to use the function `create_ident` used for the
verification, `arbitrary_ident` for the definition of `nav_init_stage`
function and the variable `_t'1` has been replaced from a specific
positive value (128) to `#"t'1`.
positive value (128) to `#"t'1`.
It also contains CommonCCode, a file that stores the list of
definition of the generated files that can be used to regenerate the
original C code files.
* `ocaml-generator`: The Ocaml code of the previous Flight Plan generator of
Paparazzi. This code has been extracted from the whole Paparazzi project
and slightly modified for testing purpose (see
......@@ -130,8 +134,8 @@ Some minor modification to the generated code has been made to simplify the proo
not modifies the behavior of the flight plan.
* A `SetNavStage` instruction has been added after the `end_while` label to
ensure that the `nav_stage` variable contains the correct stage id.
* A constant variable `nb_block` is generated instead of the macro
constant `NB_BLOCK`.
* A constant variable `nb_blocks` is generated instead of the macro
constant `NB_BLOCKS`.
### Current Limitations
......@@ -141,21 +145,19 @@ Currently, the generator as some limitations and known issues:
execution return an integer value, evaluated as a boolean (returned value
are converted into 0 or 1 only).
* The parameter `last_wp` is a string.
* Exceptions and forbidden deroute in loops are ignored.
* Exceptions and forbidden deroutes in loops will cause
`invalid flight_plan given` exception and prevent the auto-pilot
from being generated.
* If the next block is forbidden then the execution state does not change.
In theory, a warning should be raised in this case.
* If there is an exception but the block is forbidden, then no deroute will
A warning during the auto-pilot generation will indicate if there are
exceptions and forbidden deroutes that can contradict each other.
* The field `exec` must be an instruction.
## Future works
* Add a verified parser in Coq using menhir.
* Prove that the `on_enter` and `on_enter` are always executed when
entering or leaving a block.
* Generate a new `common_flight_plan.c` file from the modified version of
`CommonFP.v`. The Coq file is used to verify the semantics preservation theorem.
* Add a warning for the exceptions with deroute that can be forbidden.
* Prove that the errors detection always work for forbidden deroute.
* Reduce the amount of modifications in the preprocessing:
* Verify that the transformation of the `for` loop into a `while` loop is
......@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ uint8_t get_last_stage() {
void set_nav_block(uint8_t b){
if (b >= nb_block) {
private_nav_block = nb_block - 1;
if (b >= nb_blocks) {
private_nav_block = nb_blocks - 1;
else {
private_nav_block = b;
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ void set_nav_stage(uint8_t s) {
void NextBlock() {
if (private_nav_block < nb_block - 1) {
if (private_nav_block < nb_blocks - 1) {
nav_goto_block(private_nav_block + 1);
} else {
......@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ void Return(uint8_t x) {
void nav_init_block(void)
if (private_nav_block >= nb_block) {
private_nav_block = nb_block - 1;
if (private_nav_block >= nb_blocks) {
private_nav_block = nb_blocks - 1;
nav_block = private_nav_block;
private_nav_stage = 0;
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ void on_exit_block(unsigned char);
_Bool forbidden_deroute(unsigned char, unsigned char);
// constant define in the flight_plan.h
extern const uint8_t nb_block;
extern const uint8_t nb_blocks;
#ifndef GEN
#include "flight_plan.h"
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ proof. The sources are divided into different subfolders:
`pre_call_block`, `post_call_block` and `forbidden_deroute`.
- `verification`: Contains the proof for the verification of the
semantics preservation.
semantics preservation and other generator properties.
- `MatchFPwFPE.v`: Definition of matching relation between FP and
FPE environment.
- `MatchFPSwFPC.v`: Definition of the matching relation between FPS
......@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ proof. The sources are divided into different subfolders:
- `ClightLemmas.v`: Lemmas about Clight properties.
- `GeneratorProperties.v`: Properties about the generator needed for the
- `FPSProp.v`: Properties about the generated code, proven on the FPS
- `CommonFPDefinition.v`: Contains definitions of functions and lemmas
referring to the CommonFP file generated from the common C code.
- `CommonFPSimplified.v`: Contains a simplified version of CommonFP (all
......@@ -100,5 +102,15 @@ proof. The sources are divided into different subfolders:
- `VerifFPToFPC.v`: File regrouping all the proof to verify the general
bisimulation theorem between FP and Clight semantics.
- `parser`: Contains the files used to generate the XML to FPP parser used in the frontend of the VFPG.
- `FlightPlanParsed.v`: Definition of the Flight Plan Parsed coq
structure that will store the result of the parsing.
- `FPPUtils.v`: Definitions of functions used to manipulate FPP.
- `CoqLexer.v`: Definition of the lexer used before the parser.
- `Parser.vy`: Grammar specification of a flight plan stored as a
XML file. It is given to Menhir to generate a verified parser in coq.
- `Importer.v`: Definition of the general parser function, taking a
string and generating a FPP (or a procedure structure)
Finally, the file `extraction.v` is the configuration file for the
extraction of the Coq to Caml code.
......@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ let flight_plan_header =
fprintf out " \"%s\" , \\\n" name)
lprintf out " \"HOME\" , \\\n}\n";
Xml2h.define_out out "NB_BLOCK" (soi (List.length blocks + 1));
Xml2h.define_out out "NB_BLOCKS" (soi (List.length blocks + 1));
Xml2h.define_out out "GROUND_ALT" (sof !ground_alt);
Xml2h.define_out out "GROUND_ALT_CM"
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Definition global_definitions : list (ident * globdef fundef type) :=
(mksignature (AST.Tint :: AST.Tint :: nil)
AST.Tint8unsigned cc_default))
(Tcons tuchar (Tcons tuchar Tnil)) tbool cc_default)) ::
(_nb_block, Gvar v_nb_block) :: (_stage_time, Gvar v_stage_time) ::
(_nb_blocks, Gvar v_nb_blocks) :: (_stage_time, Gvar v_stage_time) ::
(_block_time, Gvar v_block_time) :: (_nav_stage, Gvar v_nav_stage) ::
(_nav_block, Gvar v_nav_block) :: (_last_block, Gvar v_last_block) ::
(_last_stage, Gvar v_last_stage) ::
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Definition _nav_goto_block : ident := #"nav_goto_block".
Definition _nav_init_block : ident := #"nav_init_block".
Definition _nav_init_stage : ident := ##"nav_init_stage".
Definition _nav_stage : ident := #"nav_stage".
Definition _nb_block : ident := #"nb_block".
Definition _nb_blocks : ident := #"nb_blocks".
Definition _on_enter_block : ident := #"on_enter_block".
Definition _on_exit_block : ident := #"on_exit_block".
Definition _private_last_block : ident := #"private_last_block".
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Definition _stage_time : ident := #"stage_time".
Definition _x : ident := #"x".
Definition _t'1 : ident := #"t'1".
Definition v_nb_block := {|
Definition v_nb_blocks := {|
gvar_info := tuchar;
gvar_init := nil;
gvar_readonly := true;
......@@ -263,9 +263,10 @@ Definition f_set_nav_block := {|
fn_temps := nil;
fn_body :=
(Sifthenelse (Ebinop Oge (Etempvar _b tuchar) (Evar _nb_block tuchar) tint)
(Sifthenelse (Ebinop Oge (Etempvar _b tuchar) (Evar _nb_blocks tuchar)
(Sassign (Evar _private_nav_block tuchar)
(Ebinop Osub (Evar _nb_block tuchar) (Econst_int (Int.repr 1) tint)
(Ebinop Osub (Evar _nb_blocks tuchar) (Econst_int (Int.repr 1) tint)
(Sassign (Evar _private_nav_block tuchar) (Etempvar _b tuchar)))
(Sassign (Evar _nav_block tuchar) (Evar _private_nav_block tuchar)))
......@@ -291,7 +292,7 @@ Definition f_NextBlock := {|
fn_temps := nil;
fn_body :=
(Sifthenelse (Ebinop Olt (Evar _private_nav_block tuchar)
(Ebinop Osub (Evar _nb_block tuchar)
(Ebinop Osub (Evar _nb_blocks tuchar)
(Econst_int (Int.repr 1) tint) tint) tint)
(Scall None
(Evar _nav_goto_block (Tfunction (Tcons tuchar Tnil) tvoid cc_default))
......@@ -364,10 +365,10 @@ Definition f_nav_init_block := {|
fn_body :=
(Sifthenelse (Ebinop Oge (Evar _private_nav_block tuchar)
(Evar _nb_block tuchar) tint)
(Evar _nb_blocks tuchar) tint)
(Sassign (Evar _private_nav_block tuchar)
(Ebinop Osub (Evar _nb_block tuchar) (Econst_int (Int.repr 1) tint)
(Ebinop Osub (Evar _nb_blocks tuchar) (Econst_int (Int.repr 1) tint)
(Sassign (Evar _nav_block tuchar) (Evar _private_nav_block tuchar)))
......@@ -715,7 +716,7 @@ Definition global_definitions : list (ident * globdef fundef type) :=
(mksignature (AST.Tint :: AST.Tint :: nil)
AST.Tint8unsigned cc_default))
(Tcons tuchar (Tcons tuchar Tnil)) tbool cc_default)) ::
(_nb_block, Gvar v_nb_block) :: (_stage_time, Gvar v_stage_time) ::
(_nb_blocks, Gvar v_nb_blocks) :: (_stage_time, Gvar v_stage_time) ::
(_block_time, Gvar v_block_time) :: (_nav_stage, Gvar v_nav_stage) ::
(_nav_block, Gvar v_nav_block) :: (_last_block, Gvar v_last_block) ::
(_last_stage, Gvar v_last_stage) ::
......@@ -741,7 +742,7 @@ Definition public_idents : list ident :=
_set_nav_stage :: _set_nav_block :: _get_last_stage :: _get_last_block ::
_get_nav_stage :: _get_nav_block :: _init_function :: _last_stage ::
_last_block :: _nav_block :: _nav_stage :: _block_time :: _stage_time ::
_nb_block :: _forbidden_deroute :: _on_exit_block :: _on_enter_block ::
_nb_blocks :: _forbidden_deroute :: _on_exit_block :: _on_enter_block ::
_nav_init_stage :: ___builtin_debug :: ___builtin_write32_reversed ::
___builtin_write16_reversed :: ___builtin_read32_reversed ::
___builtin_read16_reversed :: ___builtin_fnmsub :: ___builtin_fnmadd ::
......@@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ let print_flight_plan_h = fun xml ref0 xml_file out_file ->
Xml2h.define_out out "FP_BLOCKS" "{ \\";
List.iter (fun b -> fprintf out " \"%s\" , \\\n" (ExtXml.attrib b "name")) blocks;
lprintf out "}\n";
Xml2h.define_out out "NB_BLOCK" (string_of_int (List.length blocks));
Xml2h.define_out out "NB_BLOCKS" (string_of_int (List.length blocks));
Xml2h.define_out out "GROUND_ALT" (sof !ground_alt);
Xml2h.define_out out "GROUND_ALT_CM" (sprintf "%.0f" (100.*. !ground_alt));
......@@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ Section BLOCK_ID.
apply extend_stages_no_default_general.
(** ** Lemmas about the numerotation of the stages *)
(** ** Lemmas about the numbering of the stages *)
Lemma extend_stages_well_numbered:
forall ids stages,
ids < length (extend_stages stages)
......@@ -1282,13 +1282,13 @@ Proof.
Lemma extend_wf_numerotation:
Lemma extend_wf_numbering:
forall fp fpe,
fpe = extend_flight_plan_not_wf fp
-> wf_numerotation fpe.
-> wf_numbering fpe.
move => fp fpe Hfp.
rewrite /wf_numerotation
rewrite /wf_numbering
/FP_E.default_stage_id => idb ids.
......@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ Next Obligation.
(extend_wf_no_default Hfp)
(extend_wf_default_last Hfp)
(extend_wf_stages_gt_0 Hfp)
(extend_wf_numerotation Hfp)).
(extend_wf_numbering Hfp)).
......@@ -1486,14 +1486,14 @@ Proof.
apply (unchanged_block_exceptions He).
Lemma extend_eq_nb_block:
Lemma extend_eq_nb_blocks:
forall fp fpe,
fpe = extend_flight_plan fp
-> FP.get_nb_block fp = FP_E_WF.get_nb_block (` fpe).
-> FP.get_nb_blocks fp = FP_E_WF.get_nb_blocks (` fpe).
rewrite /extend_flight_plan
=> fp [fpe Hwf] //= Hfp. inversion Hfp => //=.
by rewrite List.map_length.
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Qed.
(** * Generic property to verify if a value is a user id *)
Definition test_is_user (fp:flight_plan) (val: nat) (err: err_msg): list err_msg :=
if (get_nb_block fp) - 1 <=? val then [ err ]
if (get_nb_blocks fp) - 1 <=? val then [ err ]
else [ ].
Lemma verif_test_is_user:
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Qed.
Definition test_correct_block_id (fp: flight_plan)
(val: block_id)
(err: err_msg): list err_msg :=
if (get_nb_block fp) <=? val then [err]
if (get_nb_blocks fp) <=? val then [err]
else [ ].
Lemma verif_test_correct_block_id:
......@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ Qed.
Definition to_much_block: err_msg :=
ERROR "The flight plan contains more than 255 blocks !".
Definition test_nb_block_lt_256 (fp: flight_plan) : list err_msg :=
test_lt_256 (get_nb_block fp) to_much_block.
Definition test_nb_blocks_lt_256 (fp: flight_plan) : list err_msg :=
test_lt_256 (get_nb_blocks fp) to_much_block.
(** * Verification of the exceptions *)
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ Definition test_well_sized_blocks (fp: flight_plan): list err_msg :=
Definition size_analysis (fp: flight_plan_wf) : list err_msg :=
let fp := proj1_sig fp in
(test_nb_block_lt_256 fp)
(test_nb_blocks_lt_256 fp)
++ (test_well_sized_blocks fp)
++ (test_correct_excpts fp (get_fp_exceptions fp))
++ (test_correct_fbd_deroutes fp (get_fp_forbidden_deroutes fp)).
......@@ -242,18 +242,18 @@ Proof. move => fp block. by apply verif_test_correct_excpts_gen. Qed.
(** ** Verification nb block < 256 *)
Lemma verif_nb_block_lt_256:
Lemma verif_nb_blocks_lt_256:
forall fp,
test_nb_block_lt_256 fp = []
-> nb_block_lt_256 fp.
test_nb_blocks_lt_256 fp = []
-> nb_blocks_lt_256 fp.
rewrite /test_nb_block_lt_256 /nb_block_lt_256 => fp.
rewrite /test_nb_blocks_lt_256 /nb_blocks_lt_256 => fp.
by apply verif_test_lt_256.
(** ** Verification that blocks are well-numbered *)
(** *** Verification of the numerotation of the block *)
(** *** Verification of the numbering of the block *)
Lemma verif_block_well_numbered:
forall block idb,
......@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ Lemma verif_well_numbered_blocks:
test_well_sized_blocks fp = []
-> well_numbered_blocks fp.
rewrite /test_well_sized_blocks /get_nb_block
rewrite /test_well_sized_blocks /get_nb_blocks
/get_block => fp Ht i Hlt.
have H := @verif_well_numbered_blocks_gen fp
(get_fp_blocks fp) (get_default_block fp) 0 Ht i.
......@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ Proof.
by apply verif_test_lt_256.
(** *** Verification of the numerotation of the block *)
(** *** Verification of the numbering of the block *)
Lemma verif_stage_deroute:
forall fp ids params ,
......@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ Lemma verif_correct_blocks_id:
test_well_sized_blocks fp = []
-> forall i, well_sized_block fp (get_block fp i).
rewrite /test_well_sized_blocks /get_nb_block
rewrite /test_well_sized_blocks /get_nb_blocks
/get_block => fp Ht i.
destruct (le_lt_dec (Datatypes.length (get_fp_blocks fp) + 1) i)
......@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ Proof.
apply app_eq_nil in H. destruct H as [Hexcs Hfbds].
- by apply verif_nb_block_lt_256.
- by apply verif_nb_blocks_lt_256.
- by apply verif_well_numbered_blocks.
- by apply verif_correct_blocks_id.
- by apply verif_test_correct_excpts.
......@@ -214,10 +214,10 @@ Definition gen_fp_auto_nav (fp:flight_plan) := {|
@+@ (gen_block_switch fp)
(** Definition for the global variable NB_BLOCK *)
Definition gvar_nb_block (fp : flight_plan) := {|
(** Definition for the global variable NB_BLOCKS *)
Definition gvar_nb_blocks (fp : flight_plan) := {|
gvar_info := tuchar;
gvar_init := AST.Init_int8 ((Int.repr (Z.of_nat (get_nb_block fp)))) :: nil;
gvar_init := AST.Init_int8 ((Int.repr (Z.of_nat (get_nb_blocks fp)))) :: nil;
gvar_readonly := true;
gvar_volatile := false
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Definition public_idents : list ident := _auto_nav :: nil.
(** Global definition of the functions *)
Definition global_definitions (fp: flight_plan): list gdef :=
(CommonFP._nb_block, Gvar (gvar_nb_block fp))
(CommonFP._nb_blocks, Gvar (gvar_nb_blocks fp))
:: (_on_enter_block, Gfun(Internal (gen_fp_on_enter_block fp)))
:: (_on_exit_block, Gfun(Internal (gen_fp_on_exit_block fp)))
:: (_forbidden_deroute, Gfun(Internal (gen_fp_forbidden_deroute fp)))
......@@ -200,10 +200,10 @@ Proof.
- by inversion Hg.
Lemma no_nb_block_in_cgvars:
Lemma no_nb_blocks_in_cgvars:
forall (gvars: cgvars) var funcs,
In (CommonFP._nb_block, Gvar var) funcs
-> In (CommonFP._nb_block, Gvar var)
In (CommonFP._nb_blocks, Gvar var) funcs
-> In (CommonFP._nb_blocks, Gvar var)
(` gvars ++ funcs).
destruct gvars as [vars Hg].
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Module FP_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
Definition next_block (e: fp_env): fp_env :=
let nav_block := get_nav_block e in
(** If it is not the last possible block *)
if (nav_block <? get_nb_block fp - 1) then
if (nav_block <? get_nb_blocks fp - 1) then
(** Go to the following block *)
goto_block fp e (nav_block + 1)
......@@ -31,16 +31,17 @@ Module C_BIGSTEP.
(** Statement to call the auto_nav function *)
Definition autoNav := gen_call_void_fun _auto_nav.
Variant step: c_genv -> fp_cenv -> fp_cenv -> Prop :=
Variant step: program -> fp_cenv -> fp_cenv -> Prop :=
| FP_step:
forall cge e e',
(forall f (env: auto_nav_env) le,
forall p cge e e',
cge = Clight.globalenv p
-> (forall f (env: auto_nav_env) le,
star step2 cge
(State f autoNav Kstop (` env) le (get_m_env e))
(extract_trace e e')
(State f Sskip Kstop (` env) le (get_m_env e')))
-> trace_appended e e'
-> step cge e e'.
-> step p e e'.
(** Definition of the init Clight state*)
Record initial_state (prog: program) (e_init: fp_cenv):=
......@@ -51,8 +52,7 @@ Module C_BIGSTEP.
Definition semantics_fpc (prog: program): fp_semantics :=
let ge: genv := Clight.globalenv prog in
FP_Semantics_gen (step ge) (initial_state prog).
FP_Semantics_gen (step prog) (initial_state prog).
(** * Proof that step is deterministic *)
......@@ -944,19 +944,20 @@ Qed.
auto_nav is in the global_env and it is not a External function*)
(** And the global_env have no External call *)
Lemma step_deterministic_gen:
forall (cge: c_genv) e e1 e2,
No_external_call_environement cge ->
forall p cge e e1 e2,
cge = Clight.globalenv p
-> No_external_call_environement cge ->
(exists b f,
Globalenvs.Genv.find_symbol cge _auto_nav = Some b
/\ Globalenvs.Genv.find_def cge b = Some (Gfun (Internal f))
/\ No_external_call_statement (fn_body f))
-> step cge e e1
-> step cge e e2
-> step p e e1
-> step p e e2
-> e1 = e2.
move => cge e e1 e2 NECge [b [f [Hfs [Hfd NECf]]]] H H'.
inversion H as [cge0 e0 e' Hs Ht]; subst cge0 e0 e'.
inversion H' as [cge0 e0 e' Hs' Ht']; subst cge0 e0 e'.
move => p cge e e1 e2 Hcge NECge [b [f [Hfs [Hfd NECf]]]] H H'.
inversion H as [p' cge0 e0 e' Hp Hs Ht]; subst p' cge0 e0 e'.
inversion H' as [p' cge0 e0 e' Hp Hs' Ht']; subst p' cge0 e0 e' cge.
set env := empty_auto_nav.
set le := create_undef_temps [::].
have Hstep := Hs f env le; clear Hs.
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Module FPE_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
Definition next_block (e: fp_env) : fp_env :=
let nav_block := get_nav_block e in
(** If it is not the last possible block *)
if (nav_block <? get_nb_block fp - 1) then
if (nav_block <? get_nb_blocks fp - 1) then
(** Go to the following block *)
goto_block fp e (nav_block + 1)
......@@ -404,17 +404,17 @@ Module FPE_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
(** Properties about local exception *)
Lemma get_block_default_block:
forall e1,
FP_E.get_nb_block fp - 1 <= get_nav_block e1
FP_E.get_nb_blocks fp - 1 <= get_nav_block e1
-> FP_E.get_block fp (get_nav_block e1) = get_default_block fp.
rewrite /FP_E.get_block => e1 Hlt.
rewrite nth_overflow //.
rewrite /FP_E.get_nb_block in Hlt. to_nat Hlt. ssrlia.
rewrite /FP_E.get_nb_blocks in Hlt. to_nat Hlt. ssrlia.
Lemma get_current_default_block:
forall e1,
FP_E.get_nb_block fp - 1 <= get_nav_block e1
FP_E.get_nb_blocks fp - 1 <= get_nav_block e1
-> get_current_block fp e1 = get_default_block fp.
rewrite /get_current_block. apply get_block_default_block.
......@@ -424,10 +424,10 @@ Module FPE_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
forall e1 e1',
test_exceptions fp e1 (get_local_exceptions fp e1)
= (true, e1')
-> get_nav_block e1 < FP_E.get_nb_block fp - 1.
-> get_nav_block e1 < FP_E.get_nb_blocks fp - 1.
move => e1 e1' Hexl.
destruct (le_lt_dec (FP_E.get_nb_block fp - 1) (get_nav_block e1))
destruct (le_lt_dec (FP_E.get_nb_blocks fp - 1) (get_nav_block e1))
as [Hge | Hlt]; try (to_nat Hlt; ssrlia).
have H : get_local_exceptions fp e1 = nil.
......@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ Module FPE_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
Lemma no_local_exception_default_block:
forall e1 e1',
(FP_E.get_nb_block fp) - 1 <= get_nav_block e1
(FP_E.get_nb_blocks fp) - 1 <= get_nav_block e1
-> test_exceptions fp e1 (get_local_exceptions fp e1)
= (false, e1')
-> e1 = e1'.
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Definition step_prop {flight_plan: Set} {fp_env: Set}
(** *** Definition of lock-step simulation properties *)
Record fp_sim_properties (FP1 FP2: fp_semantics)
Record fp_fsim_properties (FP1 FP2: fp_semantics)
(match_envs: env FP1 -> env FP2 -> Prop) : Prop := {
(** Initial envs must match *)
......@@ -106,15 +106,15 @@ Module FPS_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
move => ids'. by rewrite Hw.
Lemma id_lt_nb_block8:
Lemma id_lt_nb_blocks8:
forall fpe id,
verified_fp_e fpe
-> id < get_nb_block fpe
-> id < get_nb_blocks fpe
-> is_nat8 id.
move => fpe id Hsize Hlt.
have Hlt' := get_nb_block8 Hsize.
rewrite /nb_block_lt_256 /is_nat8 in Hlt'.
have Hlt' := get_nb_blocks8 Hsize.
rewrite /nb_blocks_lt_256 /is_nat8 in Hlt'.
rewrite /is_nat8. to_nat Hlt. ssrlia.
......@@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ Module FPS_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
-> is_nat8 (get_nav_block e).
move => fpe e Hv He8.
apply get_nb_block8 in Hv;
rewrite /nb_block_lt_256 /is_nat8 in Hv. to_nat Hv.
apply get_nb_blocks8 in Hv;
rewrite /nb_blocks_lt_256 /is_nat8 in Hv. to_nat Hv.
apply nav_block8 in He8;
rewrite /FP_E.get_nb_block in He8; to_nat He8.
rewrite /FP_E.get_nb_blocks in He8; to_nat He8.
Lemma is_last_block8:
......@@ -138,17 +138,17 @@ Module FPS_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
-> is_nat8 (get_last_block e).
move => fpe e Hv He8.
apply get_nb_block8 in Hv;
rewrite /nb_block_lt_256 /is_nat8 in Hv. to_nat Hv.
apply get_nb_blocks8 in Hv;
rewrite /nb_blocks_lt_256 /is_nat8 in Hv. to_nat Hv.
apply last_block8 in He8;
rewrite /FP_E.get_nb_block in He8; to_nat He8.
rewrite /FP_E.get_nb_blocks in He8; to_nat He8.
Lemma default_block8:
is_nat8 (FP_E.get_nb_block fp - 1).
is_nat8 (FP_E.get_nb_blocks fp - 1).
have He8 := (get_nb_block8 Hsize).
rewrite /nb_block_lt_256 /is_nat8 eq_fps_fp in He8. to_nat He8.
have He8 := (get_nb_blocks8 Hsize).
rewrite /nb_blocks_lt_256 /is_nat8 eq_fps_fp in He8. to_nat He8.
rewrite /is_nat8. ssrlia.
......@@ -194,12 +194,12 @@ Module FPS_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
-> fp_env_on_8
(update_nav_block e1 id)
(FP_E.get_nb_block fp - 1)).
(FP_E.get_nb_blocks fp - 1)).
move => id [[idb ids lidb lids] t] H; split; rewrite //=.
- rewrite /FP_E.get_nb_block.
have H' := (get_nb_block8 Hsize).
rewrite /nb_block_lt_256 /is_nat8 /get_nb_block in H'.
- rewrite /FP_E.get_nb_blocks.
have H' := (get_nb_blocks8 Hsize).
rewrite /nb_blocks_lt_256 /is_nat8 /get_nb_blocks in H'.
rewrite /is_nat8 /fp /fpe_wf. ssrlia.
- apply (nav_stage8 H).
- apply (last_block8 H).
......@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ Module FPS_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
- have Hs8 := get_nb_stage8 ((get_well_sized_blocks Hsize) idb).
rewrite /is_nat8 in Hs8. rewrite /default_stage_id
/get_stages in Hlt.
have H := (get_wf_numerotation Hwf)
have H := (get_wf_numbering Hwf)
_ _ ((get_wf_no_default Hwf) _ _ Hlt).
rewrite -Hc /get_current_stage //= H /is_nat8.
rewrite -eq_fps_fp in Hlt. ssrlia.
......@@ -403,8 +403,8 @@ Module FPS_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
move => fbd Hc.
have H := get_correct_from Hc.
rewrite /is_user_id /fp /fpe_wf in H. to_nat H.
have H' := get_nb_block8 Hsize.
rewrite /nb_block_lt_256 /is_nat8 in H'. to_nat H'.
have H' := get_nb_blocks8 Hsize.
rewrite /nb_blocks_lt_256 /is_nat8 in H'. to_nat H'.
rewrite /is_nat8. ssrlia.
......@@ -416,8 +416,8 @@ Module FPS_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
move => fbd Hc.
have H := get_correct_to Hc.
rewrite /is_user_id /fp /fpe_wf in H. to_nat H.
have H' := get_nb_block8 Hsize.
rewrite /nb_block_lt_256 /is_nat8 in H'. to_nat H'.
have H' := get_nb_blocks8 Hsize.
rewrite /nb_blocks_lt_256 /is_nat8 in H'. to_nat H'.
rewrite /is_nat8. ssrlia.
......@@ -544,8 +544,8 @@ Module FPS_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
rewrite /is_nat8 /FP_E.normalise_block_id => idb.
have H := get_nb_block8 Hsize.
rewrite /nb_block_lt_256 /is_nat8 in H. to_nat H.
have H := get_nb_blocks8 Hsize.
rewrite /nb_blocks_lt_256 /is_nat8 in H. to_nat H.
rewrite /fp /fpe_wf.
destruct (_ <=? _) eqn:Hle.
......@@ -567,9 +567,9 @@ Module FPS_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
rewrite -Hc //=; repeat split; try by []; try apply zero8.
- apply Nat.eqb_eq in Heq; subst id. by apply normalise_block_id8.
- rewrite /FP_E.normalise_block_id.
have H' := get_nb_block8 Hsize.
rewrite /nb_block_lt_256 /is_nat8 in H'.
destruct (FP_E.get_nb_block _ <=? id) eqn:Hlt'.
have H' := get_nb_blocks8 Hsize.
rewrite /nb_blocks_lt_256 /is_nat8 in H'.
destruct (FP_E.get_nb_blocks _ <=? id) eqn:Hlt'.
* rewrite /=. have H := nb_blocks_ne_0 fp.
rewrite /is_nat8 /fp /fpe_wf /=. ssrlia.
* rewrite /=. apply leb_complete_conv in Hlt'.
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ Module FP_E_WF.
length (get_stages fp idb) > 0.
(** Every stage is well numbered. *)
Definition wf_numerotation (fp : flight_plan): Prop :=
Definition wf_numbering (fp : flight_plan): Prop :=
forall idb ids,
(forall n, FP_E.get_stage fp idb ids <> DEFAULT n)
-> FP_E.get_stage_id (FP_E.get_stage fp idb ids) = ids.
......@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ Module FP_E_WF.
get_wf_no_default: wf_no_default fp;
get_wf_default_last: wf_default_last fp;
get_wf_stages_gt_0: wf_stages_gt_0 fp;
get_wf_numerotation: wf_numerotation fp;
get_wf_numbering: wf_numbering fp;
Definition flight_plan_wf := {fp : flight_plan | wf_fp_e fp}.
......@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ Module FP_E_WF.
move => fp idb ids Hwf Hlen.
destruct ((proj1 (Nat.lt_eq_cases _ _ )) Hlen) as [H|H].
- apply (get_wf_numerotation Hwf).
- apply (get_wf_numbering Hwf).
by apply (get_wf_no_default Hwf).
- by rewrite H (get_wf_default_last Hwf).
......@@ -347,10 +347,10 @@ Module FP_E_WF.
Remark nb_blocks_to_length:
forall fpe id,
id < get_nb_block fpe - 1
id < get_nb_blocks fpe - 1
-> id < length (get_fp_blocks fpe).
rewrite /get_nb_block => fpe id. ssrlia.
rewrite /get_nb_blocks => fpe id. ssrlia.
Remark get_fp_blocks_eq:
......@@ -361,8 +361,8 @@ Module FP_E_WF.
Remark get_nb_blocks_eq:
forall fpe,
FP_E.get_nb_block fpe
= FP_E_WF.get_nb_block fpe.
FP_E.get_nb_blocks fpe
= FP_E_WF.get_nb_blocks fpe.
Proof. ssrlia. Qed.
End FP_E_WF.
......@@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ Module Type COMMON_FP_FUN_SIG (G_FP: GENERIC_FP).
Parameter mk_flight_plan:
fp_forbidden_deroutes -> fp_exceptions -> fp_blocks -> flight_plan.
Parameter get_nb_block: flight_plan -> nat.
Parameter get_nb_blocks: flight_plan -> nat.
Axiom nb_blocks_ne_0 :
forall (fp: flight_plan), get_nb_block fp > 0.
forall (fp: flight_plan), get_nb_blocks fp > 0.
Parameter get_default_block_id: flight_plan -> block_id.
Parameter get_default_block: flight_plan -> fp_block.
......@@ -159,13 +159,13 @@ Module COMMON_FP_FUN (G_FP: GENERIC_FP) <: COMMON_FP_FUN_SIG G_FP.
(** ** Flight plan *)
(** ** Functions for blocks *)
Definition get_nb_block (fp: flight_plan): nat :=
Definition get_nb_blocks (fp: flight_plan): nat :=
length (get_fp_blocks fp) + 1. (** Default block *)
Lemma nb_blocks_ne_0:
forall (fp: flight_plan), get_nb_block fp > 0.
forall (fp: flight_plan), get_nb_blocks fp > 0.
intro fp. unfold get_nb_block. lia.
intro fp. unfold get_nb_blocks. lia.
(** Generate the default block, positionned at the end *)
......@@ -205,16 +205,16 @@ Module COMMON_FP_FUN (G_FP: GENERIC_FP) <: COMMON_FP_FUN_SIG G_FP.
(** Return the minimal value between the last_block id
and the new block id *)
Definition normalise_block_id (fp: flight_plan) (new_id: block_id): block_id :=
let nb_block := get_nb_block fp in
if (nb_block <=? new_id)%nat then
nb_block - 1
let nb_blocks := get_nb_blocks fp in
if (nb_blocks <=? new_id)%nat then
nb_blocks - 1
else new_id.
Lemma default_block_id_lt_nb_blocks:
forall fp,
get_default_block_id fp < get_nb_block fp.
get_default_block_id fp < get_nb_blocks fp.
rewrite /get_default_block_id /get_nb_block. lia.
rewrite /get_default_block_id /get_nb_blocks. lia.
......@@ -27,18 +27,18 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
(** Property about correct block id *)
Definition correct_block_id (fp: flight_plan) (id: block_id): Prop :=
(id < get_nb_block fp).
(id < get_nb_blocks fp).
Definition is_user_id (fp: flight_plan) (id: block_id): Prop :=
(id < get_nb_block fp - 1).
(id < get_nb_blocks fp - 1).
Lemma normalise_block_id_is_correct :
forall (fp: flight_plan) (id: block_id),
correct_block_id fp (normalise_block_id fp id).
intros fp id. unfold normalise_block_id.
destruct (get_nb_block fp <=? id) eqn:E.
- unfold correct_block_id. unfold get_nb_block. lia.
destruct (get_nb_blocks fp <=? id) eqn:E.
- unfold correct_block_id. unfold get_nb_blocks. lia.
- apply leb_complete_conv in E. apply E.
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Definition correct_deroutes (fp: flight_plan) (block: fp_block): Prop :=
(** * Property that blocks are well numbered *)
Definition well_numbered_blocks (fp: flight_plan): Prop :=
forall i, i < get_nb_block fp
forall i, i < get_nb_blocks fp
-> (get_block_id (get_block fp i)) = i.
(** * Global property that blocks contain less
......@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ Record well_sized_block (fp: flight_plan) (block: fp_block) :=
(** * Properties about the flight plan *)
(** ** Property about that there is less than 256 blocks*)
Definition nb_block_lt_256 (fp: flight_plan): Prop :=
is_nat8 (get_nb_block fp).
Definition nb_blocks_lt_256 (fp: flight_plan): Prop :=
is_nat8 (get_nb_blocks fp).
(** ** Global property about the flight plan. *)
(** It must contains less than 256 blocks, the block must be *)
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ Definition nb_block_lt_256 (fp: flight_plan): Prop :=
(** must be correct. *)
Record verified_fp_e (fp: flight_plan) := create_verified_fp_e {
get_nb_block8: nb_block_lt_256 fp;
get_nb_blocks8: nb_blocks_lt_256 fp;
get_well_numbered_blocks: well_numbered_blocks fp;
get_well_sized_blocks : forall i, well_sized_block fp (get_block fp i);
get_correct_gexcpts: Forall (correct_excpt fp) (get_fp_exceptions fp);
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ Lemma user_id_is_nat_8 :
intros fps id.
rewrite /is_user_id /is_nat8.
have H8 := get_nb_block8 (proj2_sig fps).
rewrite /nb_block_lt_256 /is_nat8 in H8.
have H8 := get_nb_blocks8 (proj2_sig fps).
rewrite /nb_blocks_lt_256 /is_nat8 in H8.
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