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Commit bd485cc8 authored by WASQUEL Valentin's avatar WASQUEL Valentin
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Proof of forbidden_deroute_NEC Lemma

parent 3c52765c
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......@@ -3090,18 +3090,70 @@ Section No_External_Call_FP.
-- (** induction *) apply IHf0. }
Lemma forbidden_deroute_NEC : forall fpe,
No_external_call_statement (fn_body (gen_fp_forbidden_deroute fpe)).
Ltac autoProov_NEC_f := repeat (try constructor;
try apply parse_c_code_NEC;
try apply gen_fun_call_stmt_NEC;
try apply gen_fp_pitch_NEC;
try apply gen_fp_vmode_NEC;
try apply gen_fp_hmode_NEC ).
Lemma pn_le_m : forall n m p,
(p + m)%coq_nat <= n -> m <= n.
intros n. induction n.
- intros m. destruct m.
+ simpl. intros p _. auto.
+ simpl. intros p H. rewrite Nat.add_succ_r in H. auto.
- intros m. destruct m.
+ auto.
+ intros p H. rewrite ltnS. apply IHn with p. rewrite Nat.add_succ_r in H.
rewrite ltnS in H. apply H.
Lemma aux_forbidden_deroute_NEC : forall n fpe,
length fpe < n ->
No_external_call_statement_labeled (gen_forbidden_deroute_case fpe (LScons None Sbreak LSnil)).
intros n.
induction n.
- intros fpe H. destruct fpe.
rewrite gen_forbidden_deroute_case_equation.
simpl in H. inversion H.
- intros fpe H. destruct fpe; simpl in *.
+ rewrite gen_forbidden_deroute_case_equation.
+ rewrite gen_forbidden_deroute_case_equation.
remember (partition (test_from (get_fbd_from f0)) (f0 :: fpe0)) as partres.
destruct partres.
autoProov_NEC_f. destruct Heqpartres.
induction l.
* autoProov_NEC_f.
* simpl. autoProov_NEC_f.
-- destruct (get_fbd_only_when a); autoProov_NEC_f.
-- apply IHl.
apply IHn. symmetry in Heqpartres.
simpl in Heqpartres. rewrite test_from_refl in Heqpartres.
remember (partition (test_from (get_fbd_from f0)) fpe0) as temp.
destruct temp; subst. inversion Heqpartres. subst.
symmetry in Heqtemp.
apply partition_length in Heqtemp. rewrite Heqtemp in H.
clear Heqpartres. clear Heqtemp. clear IHn.
remember (Datatypes.length l1) as p.
remember (Datatypes.length l0) as m.
apply ltnSE in H.
destruct n. inversion H.
rewrite ltnS. rewrite ltnS in H.
apply pn_le_m in H. apply H.
Lemma forbidden_deroute_NEC : forall fpe,
No_external_call_statement (fn_body (gen_fp_forbidden_deroute fpe)).
simpl. autoProov_NEC_f.
apply aux_forbidden_deroute_NEC with ((Datatypes.length (FP_E.get_fp_forbidden_deroutes fpe0)).+1).
apply ltnSn.
Lemma No_function_in_gvars: forall ident0 f0,
~ (In (ident0, Gfun f0) (` gvars)%list).
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