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Commit bc1af758 authored by POLLIEN Baptiste's avatar POLLIEN Baptiste
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Update notations

parent 45f9dbc4
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......@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ Module MATCH_FPS_C (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
(** Match properties about fp_env and a memory state. Every
flight plan information of the fp_env (for example nav_stage or
nav_block) must be stored somewhere in the memory. *)
Record match_env (ge: genv) (e: fp_env) (e': m_env)
:= create_match_env {
Record match_menv (ge: genv) (e: fp_env) (e': m_env)
:= create_match_menv {
correct_nav_block: correct_mem_access ge e'
(create_val (get_nav_block e));
......@@ -152,18 +152,18 @@ Module MATCH_FPS_C (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
(** An fp_env and a c_env are matching iff the memory state is
matching to the fp_env and they have matching memory states. *)
Definition match_fp_cenv (ge: genv) (e: fp_env8) (e': fp_cenv): Prop :=
match_env ge (` e) (get_m_env e')
Definition match_env (ge: genv) (e: fp_env8) (e': fp_cenv): Prop :=
match_menv ge (` e) (get_m_env e')
/\ (get_trace (` e)) ~t~ (C_ENV.get_trace e').
Notation "e1 '~menv~' '(' ge ',' e2 ')'"
:= (match_env ge e1 e2) (at level 10).
:= (match_menv ge e1 e2) (at level 10).
Notation "e1 '~cenv~' '(' p ',' e2 ')'"
:= (match_fp_cenv p e1 e2) (at level 10).
:= (match_env p e1 e2) (at level 10).
(** ** Proporties about the matching relation *)
Lemma app_trace_preserve_mmatch:
......@@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ Section FLIGHT_PLAN.
(extract_evalc Hevalc)
(extract_evalc Hevalc')) app_assoc.
rewrite /MATCH_ENV.match_fp_cenv -He1'_f Heqe1'''.
rewrite /MATCH_ENV.match_env -He1'_f Heqe1'''.
by apply app_trace_preserve_match2. }
(* Until condition evaluated to false *)
......@@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@ Section FLIGHT_PLAN.
(trace_appended_app_trace_rec _ (extract_next_stage (` e1'))).
all: rewrite Heqe1'' in Heq.
all: rewrite /MATCH_ENV.match_fp_cenv -Heq.
all: rewrite /MATCH_ENV.match_env -Heq.
all: by apply app_trace_preserve_match2. }
......@@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@ Section FLIGHT_PLAN.
extract_trace_refl extract_app_trace //.
all: rewrite /MATCH_ENV.match_fp_cenv -Heq Heqe1'.
all: rewrite /MATCH_ENV.match_env -Heq Heqe1'.
all: by apply app_trace_preserve_match2.
......@@ -1824,7 +1824,7 @@ Section FLIGHT_PLAN.
(State f Sskip (block_cont_e (` e1) k) ev le' (e2'.m))))
/\ e1' ~cenv~ (ge, e2').
rewrite /MATCH_ENV.match_fp_cenv.
rewrite /MATCH_ENV.match_env.
move => E1 E1' e2 le H H'.
generalize dependent e2. generalize dependent le.
have H := (run_step_ind8 fps P_eq_exec_stages _ _ E1 E1' H').
......@@ -2989,7 +2989,7 @@ Section FLIGHT_PLAN.
(C_BS.semantics_fpc prog).
apply FPBigStepGeneric.Bisimulation
with (@MATCH_ENV.match_fp_cenv ge); do 2 split.
with (@MATCH_ENV.match_env ge); do 2 split.
- move => e1 H.
destruct (semantics_init_exists fps gvars) as [e_init Hinit].
exists e_init; split; try by [].
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