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Commit 8b7a1982 authored by WASQUEL Valentin's avatar WASQUEL Valentin
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formal proof that env is equivalent to normalised

parent 3cfd58bb
Branches improve-env-8
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......@@ -1696,6 +1696,34 @@ Module FPS_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
rewrite normalise_block_id_idempotent; reflexivity.
Lemma full_normalise_goto_same_trace :
forall e e1 e2 id1 id2,
normalise_block_id (` (` fps)) id1 = normalise_block_id (` (` fps)) id2 ->
Common_Sem.goto_block (` (` fps)) e id1 = e1 ->
Common_Sem.goto_block (` (` fps)) (full_normalise (` (` fps)) e) id2 = e2 ->
get_trace e1 = get_trace e2.
intros e e1 e2 id1 id2 Hid.
unfold Common_Sem.goto_block.
destruct (Common_Sem.forbidden_deroute (` (` fps)) e id1)
as [res1 e1'] eqn:fb1.
have H := (normalise_through_forbidden_deroute _ _ _ Hid fb1).
rewrite H.
destruct res1;
intros H1 H2; subst; try reflexivity.
simpl. unfold Common_Sem.c_change_block.
rewrite Hid. unfold Common.on_exit.
rewrite <- get_block_get_normalise.
remember (Common.get_code_on_exit (Common.get_block (` (` fps)) (nav_block (get_state e))) ++
[:: reset_time; init_stage] ++
Common.on_enter (` (` fps)) (normalise_block_id (` (` fps)) id2))
as t.
unfold change_block.
destruct (get_nav_block e1' =? id1);
destruct (get_nav_block (full_normalise (` (` fps)) e1') =? id2);
Lemma normalise_through_test_exception :
forall e a e' b,
Common_Sem.test_exception (` (` fps)) e a = (b, e') ->
......@@ -2045,7 +2073,7 @@ Module FPS_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
Lemma normalise_through_run_step :
Lemma normalise_through_run_step_not_default :
forall e,
get_nav_block e < get_nb_block (` (` fps)) - 1 \/ get_nav_stage e = 0 ->
run_step (` fps) (full_normalise (` (` fps)) e) = full_normalise (` (` fps)) (run_step (` fps) e).
......@@ -2057,12 +2085,11 @@ Module FPS_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
Lemma Incorrect_idb_run_step_to_semi_correct_not_0 :
Lemma full_normalise_run_step_same_trace_not_0 :
forall e,
(get_nb_block (` (` fps)) - 1 <= get_nav_block e /\ get_nav_stage e <> 0) ->
get_trace (run_step (` fps) e) = get_trace (run_step (` fps) (full_normalise (` (` fps)) e)).
intros e [Nsc Hids].
rewrite run_step_equation.
rewrite run_step_equation.
......@@ -2072,145 +2099,150 @@ Module FPS_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
unfold get_stages.
rewrite <- get_block_get_normalise.
rewrite get_block_default_block. simpl.
destruct (nav_stage (get_state e)) eqn:Eids.
+ exfalso. apply Hids. apply Eids.
+ assert (match s with
| 0 => DEFAULT 1
| m.+1 => match m with
| 0 | _ => FP_E.DEFAULT 1
end = DEFAULT 1).
destruct s.
destruct s; reflexivity.
rewrite H. clear H. simpl.
unfold next_block. unfold FPE_BS.fp.
rewrite normalise_through_reset_stage.
destruct (get_nav_block (reset_stage (` (` fps)) e) <? 255);
destruct (get_nav_block (full_normalise (` (` fps)) (reset_stage (` (` fps)) e)) <? 255);
destruct (nav_stage (get_state e)) eqn:Eids.
+ exfalso. apply Hids. apply Eids.
+ assert (match s with
| 0 => DEFAULT 1
| m.+1 => match m with
| 0 | _ => FP_E.DEFAULT 1
end = DEFAULT 1).
destruct s.
destruct s; reflexivity.
rewrite H. clear H. simpl.
unfold get_nb_block in Nsc.
to_nat Nsc.
assert (get_nb_block (` (` fps)) <=? nav_block (get_state e) + 1 = true).
apply leb_correct. unfold get_nb_block. ssrlia.
assert (get_nb_block (` (` fps)) <=? 255).
have H1 := (get_nb_block8 Hsize).
unfold nb_block_lt_256 in H1.
unfold is_nat8 in H1. unfold get_nb_block in *.
apply leb_correct. ssrlia.
unfold next_block. unfold FPE_BS.fp.
rewrite normalise_through_reset_stage.
destruct (get_nav_block (reset_stage _ e) <? 255);
destruct (get_nav_block (full_normalise _ _) <? 255);
remember (Common_Sem.goto_block _ (reset_stage _ e) _) as e1;
remember (Common_Sem.goto_block _ (full_normalise _ _) _) as e2;
symmetry in Heqe1, Heqe2; generalize dependent Heqe2; generalize dependent Heqe1;
apply (full_normalise_goto_same_trace);
unfold normalise_block_id.
* rewrite H.
destruct (get_nb_block _ <=? nav_block (get_state e)).
-- assert ((FP_E.get_nb_block (` (` fps)) - 1)%coq_nat + 1 = get_nb_block (` (` fps))).
unfold get_nb_block. ssrlia.
rewrite H1. rewrite Nat.leb_refl. reflexivity.
-- rewrite H. reflexivity.
* rewrite H. rewrite H0. reflexivity.
* rewrite H0. destruct (get_nb_block _ <=? nav_block (get_state _)).
-- assert ((FP_E.get_nb_block (` (` fps)) - 1)%coq_nat + 1 = get_nb_block (` (` fps))).
unfold get_nb_block. ssrlia.
rewrite H1. rewrite Nat.leb_refl. reflexivity.
-- rewrite H. reflexivity.
* rewrite H0. reflexivity.
apply Nsc.
Lemma run_step_same_trace_normalize :
forall e,
get_trace (run_step (` fps) e) =
get_trace (run_step (` fps) (normalise (` (` fps)) e)).
get_trace (run_step (` fps) (full_normalise (` (` fps)) e)).
intros e. remember ((normalise (` (` fps)) e)) as e1.
generalize dependent e.
apply run_step_ind.
- intros e e' HI IH e2 H. apply Sol.
rewrite run_step_equation.
rewrite (run_step_equation _ (normalise (` (` fps)) e)).
unfold run_stage.
unfold get_current_stage.
unfold get_stage.
unfold get_stages.
unfold default_stage.
unfold default_stage_id.
unfold get_stages.
unfold FPE_BS.fp.
simpl. rewrite <- get_block_get_normalise.
destruct (List.nth (nav_stage (get_state e))
(FP_E.get_block_stages (FP_E.get_block (` (` fps)) (nav_block (get_state e))))
(FP_E.get_block (` (` fps)) (nav_block (get_state e)))) - 1)%coq_nat)).
{ (* while_sem *)
unfold while_sem. simpl.
destruct (EVAL_Def.eval (get_trace e) (get_while_cond params)).
- simpl. intros H1 H2; subst. reflexivity.
- simpl.
rewrite (Incorrect_idb_getstage_default Nsc).
rewrite (Incorrect_idb_normalise_getstage_default Nsc). simpl.
destruct (nav_stage (get_state e)) eqn:Eids.
- exfalso. apply Hids. apply Eids.
- destruct s. simpl.
apply Incorrect_idb_nextblock_same_trae. apply Nsc.
destruct s; apply Incorrect_idb_nextblock_same_trae; apply Nsc.
intros e. destruct (get_nav_stage e) eqn:Hids.
- rewrite normalise_through_run_step_not_default.
+ reflexivity.
+ right. apply Hids.
- destruct (get_nb_block (` (` fps)) - 1 <=? get_nav_block e) eqn: Hidb.
+ apply full_normalise_run_step_same_trace_not_0.
* apply leb_complete in Hidb. to_nat Hidb. ssrlia.
* intros contra. rewrite contra in Hids. inversion Hids.
+ rewrite normalise_through_run_step_not_default.
* reflexivity.
* left. apply leb_complete_conv in Hidb.
to_nat Hidb. ssrlia.
Lemma Incorrect_idb_step_same_trace :
forall e e1 e2,
~semi_correct_env e ->
FPE_BS.step (` fps) e = e1 ->
FPE_BS.step (` fps) (normalise (` (` fps)) e) = e2 ->
get_trace e1 = get_trace e2.
Lemma step_same_trace_normalise :
forall e,
get_trace (FPE_BS.step (` fps) e) =
get_trace (FPE_BS.step (` fps) (full_normalise (` (` fps)) e)).
intros e e1 e2 Nsc.
unfold FPE_BS.step.
destruct (Common_Sem.exception (FPE_BS.fp (` fps)) e) as [b1 e1'] eqn:Exception1.
destruct (Common_Sem.exception (FPE_BS.fp (` fps)) (normalise (` (` fps)) e)) as [b2 e2'] eqn:Exception2.
destruct (Incorrect_idb_exception_same_trace_normalise Nsc Exception1 Exception2) as [trace1 res1].
subst. destruct b2;intros H1 H2; subst.
intros e. unfold FPE_BS.step. unfold FPE_BS.fp.
destruct (Common_Sem.exception _ _) as [b e'] eqn:Exception1.
have Exception2 := (normalise_through_exception _ Exception1).
rewrite Exception2.
- apply trace1.
- have H := (Incorrect_idb_normalise_through_exception_false Nsc Exception1).
rewrite H in Exception2. inversion Exception2.
have Nsc' := (Incorrect_idb_through_exception_false Nsc Exception1).
clear Exception1. clear Exception2. clear H. clear H1.
clear trace1. clear e2'. clear Nsc. clear e.
remember (run_step (` fps) e1') as e1.
remember (run_step (` fps) (normalise (` (` fps)) e1')) as e2.
unfold app_trace. simpl.
assert (Nsc : FP_E.get_nb_block (FPE_BS.fp (` fps)) <= get_nav_block e1').
unfold FPE_BS.fp.
unfold semi_correct_env in Nsc'. unfold correct_block_id in Nsc'.
unfold get_nb_block in *. to_nat Nsc'. ssrlia.
rewrite (get_current_default_block).
rewrite get_current_default_block.
symmetry in Heqe1, Heqe2.
destruct (get_nav_stage e1') eqn:Hids.
+ have h := (Incorrect_idb_same_run_step_normalize_0 Nsc' Hids Heqe1 Heqe2).
subst. rewrite h. reflexivity.
+ assert (get_nav_stage e1' <> 0).
intros contra. rewrite contra in Hids. inversion Hids.
have h := (Incorrect_idb_run_step_same_trace_normalize_not_0 Nsc' H Heqe1 Heqe2).
rewrite h. reflexivity.
simpl. unfold normalise_block_id. simpl.
to_nat Nsc. apply leb_correct in Nsc. rewrite Nsc.
to_nat Nsc.
destruct b.
- reflexivity.
- have Htrace := (run_step_same_trace_normalize e').
destruct (run_step _ _) as [st t].
destruct (run_step _ (full_normalise _ _)) as [st' t'].
simpl in *. rewrite Htrace;
clear Htrace; clear t; clear st; clear st'.
unfold get_code_block_post_call.
unfold get_current_block.
rewrite get_block_get_normalise.
Lemma Incorrect_idb_step_to_semi_correct_not_0 :
Lemma normalise_through_step_not_default :
forall e,
~semi_correct_env e -> get_nav_stage e <> 0 ->
semi_correct_env (FPE_BS.step (` fps) e).
get_nav_block e < get_nb_block (` (` fps)) - 1 \/ get_nav_stage e = 0 ->
FPE_BS.step (` fps) (full_normalise (` (` fps)) e)=
full_normalise (` (` fps)) (FPE_BS.step (` fps) e).
intros e Nsc. unfold FPE_BS.step. unfold FPE_BS.fp. destruct (Common_Sem.exception (` (` fps)) e) as [b e'] eqn:Eexception.
destruct b.
(** exception *)
- intros _. apply Incorrect_idb_excecption_is_semi_correct with e.
+ apply Nsc.
+ apply Eexception.
- intros Hids.
apply (Incorrect_idb_no_excecption_not_semi_correct Nsc) in Eexception as [Nsc' Eids].
apply Incorrect_idb_run_step_to_semi_correct_not_0 in Nsc'.
apply Nsc'. rewrite <- Eids. apply Hids.
intros e H.
unfold FPE_BS.step.
destruct (Common_Sem.exception _ e)
as [b e'] eqn:Exception1.
have Exception2 := (normalise_through_exception _ Exception1).
rewrite Exception2.
destruct b.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite (normalise_through_run_step_not_default _ _).
+ unfold get_code_block_post_call.
unfold get_current_block.
rewrite get_block_get_normalise.
+ generalize dependent H.
generalize dependent Exception1.
clear Exception2. generalize dependent e'.
unfold Common_Sem.exception.
unfold FPE_BS.fp. destruct e as [st t].
generalize dependent t.
induction (Common.get_fp_exceptions _).
* simpl. unfold app_trace. simpl.
unfold get_local_exceptions.
unfold get_current_block. simpl.
intros t.
remember (t ++ _) as t'. clear Heqt'. clear t.
generalize dependent t'.
induction (FP_E.get_block_exceptions _).
--simpl. intros t e' H. inversion H. simpl. clear H.
--simpl. intros t e'.
unfold Common_Sem.test_exception; simpl.
destruct (get_expt_block_id a =? nav_block st).
++ apply IHf.
++ destruct (~~ EVAL_Def.eval _ _).
** unfold app_trace. simpl. apply IHf.
** intros contra. inversion contra.
* simpl. intros t e'.
unfold Common_Sem.test_exception.
destruct (get_expt_block_id _ =? _).
-- apply IHf.
-- simpl.
destruct (~~ EVAL_Def.eval _ _).
++ apply IHf.
++ intros contra. inversion contra.
Definition step_size (fps: flight_plan_sized) (e e': fp_env8) :=
0% or .
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