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Commit 2649cd63 authored by WASQUEL Valentin's avatar WASQUEL Valentin
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add correct FPE environment properties

parent c241d05d
Branches improve-env-8
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...@@ -552,6 +552,155 @@ Module FPE_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV) ...@@ -552,6 +552,155 @@ Module FPE_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
ssrlia. ssrlia.
Qed. Qed.
(** properties about environment correctness *)
Lemma correct_through_goto : forall e new_id,
correct_env fp e -> correct_env fp (goto_block fp e new_id).
intros e new_id [HID HlID].
unfold goto_block.
destruct (forbidden_deroute fp e new_id) as [res e'] eqn:Efbd.
unfold forbidden_deroute in Efbd. destruct e as [state t].
simpl in *. generalize dependent t.
induction ((Common.get_fp_forbidden_deroutes fp)).
- simpl. intros t H. inversion H; subst; clear H.
- simpl. intros t H.
destruct (test_forbidden_deroute {| get_state := state; get_trace_env := t |} (nav_block state) new_id a)
as [b e1] eqn:Etest.
unfold test_forbidden_deroute in Etest.
destruct ((nav_block state =? get_fbd_from a) && (new_id =? get_fbd_to a)).
+ destruct (get_fbd_only_when a).
* unfold evalc in Etest. inversion Etest; subst; clear Etest.
destruct (eval t c).
--inversion H; subst; clear H.
--unfold app_trace in H; simpl in H. apply (IHf _ H).
* inversion Etest; subst; clear Etest. inversion H; subst; clear H.
+ inversion Etest; subst; clear Etest.
apply (IHf _ H).
Lemma correct_through_test_exceptions : forall e b e' lexp,
correct_env fp e ->
test_exceptions fp e lexp = (b, e') ->
correct_env fp e'.
intros e b e1 lexp [HID HlID]. destruct e as [state t].
simpl in HID, HlID. generalize dependent t.
induction lexp.
- simpl. intros t H. inversion H; subst; clear H.
- simpl. intros t H.
destruct (test_exception fp {| get_state := state; get_trace_env := t |} a)
as [b' e'] eqn:Etest.
unfold test_exception in Etest.
destruct (get_expt_block_id a =? get_nav_block {| get_state := state; get_trace_env := t |}).
+ inversion Etest; subst; clear Etest. apply (IHlexp t H).
+ unfold evalc in Etest. destruct (~~ eval (get_trace {| get_state := state; get_trace_env := t |}) (get_expt_cond a));
inversion Etest; subst; clear Etest.
* apply (IHlexp _ H).
* inversion H; subst; clear H. apply correct_through_goto.
Lemma correct_through_run_stage : forall e e' b,
correct_env fp e -> run_stage e = (b, e') ->
correct_env fp e'.
intros e e' b [H1 H2] Hr.
unfold run_stage in Hr.
destruct (get_current_stage fp e); try by (inversion Hr; subst; clear Hr; auto_correct_env).
{ (* while *)
unfold while_sem, evalc in Hr.
destruct (eval (get_trace e) (get_while_cond params));
inversion Hr; subst; clear Hr; auto_correct_env.
{ (* end_while *)
unfold end_while_sem in Hr.
unfold while_sem, evalc in Hr.
destruct (eval (get_trace (update_nav_stage e (get_while_id params))) (get_while_cond params));
inversion Hr; subst; clear Hr; auto_correct_env.
{ (* call *)
unfold call_sem in Hr.
destruct (get_call_loop params).
- unfold evalc in Hr. destruct (eval (get_trace e) (get_call_fun params)).
+ destruct (get_call_until params).
* destruct (eval (get_trace (app_trace e [:: COND (get_call_fun params) true])) c);
inversion Hr; subst; clear Hr; auto_correct_env.
* inversion Hr; subst; clear Hr; auto_correct_env.
+ destruct (get_call_break params);
inversion Hr; subst; clear Hr; auto_correct_env.
- destruct (get_call_break params);
inversion Hr; subst; clear Hr; auto_correct_env.
{ (* detoute *)
destruct params as [name new_id].
unfold deroute_sem in Hr. inversion Hr; subst; clear Hr.
apply correct_through_goto. auto_correct_env.
{ (* nav *)
unfold nav_sem in Hr. destruct (nav_cond_sem nav_mode).
- unfold evalc in Hr. destruct (eval (get_trace (app_trace e [:: pre_call_nav_sem nav_mode])) c);
try by (inversion Hr; subst; clear Hr; auto_correct_env).
unfold nav_code_sem in Hr.
destruct until.
+ unfold evalc in Hr. destruct (eval (get_trace (app_trace (app_trace (app_trace e [:: pre_call_nav_sem nav_mode]) [:: COND c false]) (gen_fp_nav_code_sem nav_mode))) c0);
try by (inversion Hr; subst; clear Hr; auto_correct_env).
+ inversion Hr; subst; clear Hr; auto_correct_env.
- unfold nav_code_sem in Hr.
destruct until.
+ unfold evalc in Hr. destruct (eval (get_trace (app_trace (app_trace e [:: pre_call_nav_sem nav_mode]) (gen_fp_nav_code_sem nav_mode))) c);
try by (inversion Hr; subst; clear Hr; auto_correct_env).
+ inversion Hr; subst; clear Hr; auto_correct_env.
{ (* default *)
unfold default_sem in Hr.
inversion Hr; subst; clear Hr.
unfold next_block. destruct (get_nav_block (reset_stage fp e) <? 255);
apply correct_through_goto; auto_correct_env.
Lemma correct_through_run_step : forall e,
correct_env fp e -> correct_env fp (run_step e).
intros e. apply run_step_ind; clear e.
- intros e e' He Hi Hc.
apply Hi. apply (correct_through_run_stage Hc He).
- intros e e' He Hc. apply (correct_through_run_stage Hc He).
Lemma correct_through_step : forall e,
correct_env fp e ->
correct_env fp (step e).
intros e [HID HlID]. unfold step.
destruct (exception fp e) as [b e'] eqn:Eexeption.
unfold exception in Eexeption.
destruct (test_exceptions fp e (Common.get_fp_exceptions fp))
as [b1 e1] eqn:Etestg.
apply (correct_through_test_exceptions) in Etestg; try by (split; auto).
destruct b1.
- inversion Eexeption; subst; clear Eexeption. apply Etestg.
- apply (correct_through_test_exceptions) in Eexeption. destruct b.
+ apply Eexeption.
+ auto_correct_env. apply correct_through_run_step. auto.
+ auto_correct_env.
End FlightPlan. End FlightPlan.
Definition initial_env_wf (fp: flight_plan_wf) (e: fp_env): Prop := Definition initial_env_wf (fp: flight_plan_wf) (e: fp_env): Prop :=
...@@ -531,4 +531,87 @@ Module FPE_ENV (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV). ...@@ -531,4 +531,87 @@ Module FPE_ENV (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV).
intros. by rewrite /app_trace //= app_assoc. intros. by rewrite /app_trace //= app_assoc.
Qed. Qed.
(** a correct_env is an environement that have a correct block id
and a correct id for the last block *)
Definition correct_env (fp: flight_plan) (e : fp_env) : Prop :=
Correct_id fp (get_nav_block e) /\ Correct_id fp (get_last_block e).
(** if only the current block id is correct, the environment is
semi-correct *)
Definition semi_correct_env (fp: flight_plan) (e : fp_env) : Prop :=
Correct_id fp (get_nav_block e).
Lemma correct_env_is_semi_correct : forall fp e,
correct_env fp e -> semi_correct_env fp e.
intros fp e [Sol _]. apply Sol.
Lemma init_env_is_correct : forall fp,
correct_env fp (init_env fp).
intros fp. unfold init_env. split; apply O_correct_id.
Lemma normalise_is_semi_correct : forall fp e,
semi_correct_env fp (normalise fp e).
intros fp e.
unfold semi_correct_env. unfold normalise. simpl.
apply normalise_block_id_correct.
Lemma correct_through_normalise : forall fp e,
correct_env fp e -> correct_env fp (normalise fp e).
intros fp e [_ H]. unfold normalise. split; simpl.
- apply normalise_block_id_correct.
- apply H.
Lemma change_block_is_semi_correct : forall fp e new_id,
semi_correct_env fp (change_block fp e new_id).
intros fp e new_id. unfold semi_correct_env.
unfold change_block.
destruct (get_nav_block e =? new_id)%N;
apply normalise_block_id_correct.
Lemma correct_through_change_block : forall fp e new_id,
correct_env fp e -> correct_env fp (change_block fp e new_id).
intros fp e new_id [Hid Hlid].
unfold change_block. destruct (get_nav_block e =? new_id)%N.
- split; simpl.
+ apply normalise_block_id_correct.
+ apply Hlid.
- split; simpl.
+ apply normalise_block_id_correct.
+ apply Hid.
Lemma correct_through_app_trace : forall fp e t,
correct_env fp e -> correct_env fp (app_trace e t).
intros fp e t [HID HlID].
unfold app_trace. split; auto.
Lemma correct_through_next_stage : forall fp e,
correct_env fp e -> correct_env fp (next_stage e).
intros fp e [H1 H2].
split; auto.
Ltac auto_correct_env := repeat (
try apply correct_through_app_trace;
try apply correct_through_change_block;
try apply correct_through_next_stage;
try apply correct_through_normalise;
try by (split; auto).
...@@ -220,4 +220,27 @@ Module COMMON_FP_FUN (G_FP: GENERIC_FP) <: COMMON_FP_FUN_SIG G_FP. ...@@ -220,4 +220,27 @@ Module COMMON_FP_FUN (G_FP: GENERIC_FP) <: COMMON_FP_FUN_SIG G_FP.
rewrite /get_default_block_id /get_nb_block. lia. rewrite /get_default_block_id /get_nb_block. lia.
Qed. Qed.
Definition Correct_id (fp : flight_plan) (id : block_id) : Prop :=
(id < get_nb_block fp).
Lemma default_block_id_correct : forall fp,
Correct_id fp (get_default_block_id fp).
apply default_block_id_lt_nb_blocks.
Lemma normalise_block_id_correct : forall fp new_id,
Correct_id fp (normalise_block_id fp new_id).
intros fp new_id. unfold normalise_block_id.
destruct (get_nb_block fp <=? new_id) eqn:Enb.
- unfold Correct_id. rewrite /get_nb_block. lia.
- apply leb_complete_conv in Enb. apply Enb.
Lemma O_correct_id : forall fp, Correct_id fp 0.
apply nb_blocks_ne_0.
  • Author Developer

    a correct environment is an environment with both the current nav block id and the last block id correct. a semi-correct env is if only the current block id is correct

    we can show that a correct environement stay correct through a step.

    but a semi-correct env can become correct (if it change block) can become incorrect (if encounter a RETURN and lidb is incorrect) or stay semi-correct (most case)

    Edited by WASQUEL Valentin
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