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Commit 1b549269 authored by POLLIEN Baptiste's avatar POLLIEN Baptiste
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Updates documentations and notations

parent e0494da4
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......@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ Module FP_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
(** The function returns true, the stage end *)
(** The function returns false, the stage end *)
(** Break if the option is enabled *)
let e'' := app_trace e' (init_stage :: nil) in
if get_call_break params then
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Module FP_BIGSTEP (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
(** The stage has a until condition?*)
match until with
| Some u =>
(** Evaluate the condition ad jump to the next stage
(** Evaluate the condition and jump to the next stage
if the condition is true *)
let '(b, e) := evalc e u in
let e' := change_trace e' (get_trace e) in
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ Module COMMON_SEM (G_FP: GENERIC_FP)
(** Deroute forbidden? *)
let exec := get_expt_exec ex in
let e'' := app_trace e' (fp_exec_to_trace exec) in
let e'' := app_trace e' (opt_c_code_to_trace exec) in
(true, goto_block e'' id).
Fixpoint test_exceptions (e: fp_env) (exs: fp_exceptions):
......@@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ Module FP_ENV (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV).
let new_stages := get_stages fp new_id in
mk_fp_env new_id new_stages nav_block nav_stages t.
Definition normalise (fp: flight_plan) (e: fp_env): fp_env :=
let nav_block := get_nav_block e in
let nav_stages := get_nav_stages e in
let last_block := get_last_block e in
let last_stages := get_last_stages e in
let t := get_trace e in
mk_fp_env (normalise_block_id fp nav_block) nav_stages
last_block last_stages t.
Definition normalise (fp: flight_plan) (e: fp_env): fp_env :=
let nav_block := get_nav_block e in
let nav_stages := get_nav_stages e in
let last_block := get_last_block e in
let last_stages := get_last_stages e in
let t := get_trace e in
mk_fp_env (normalise_block_id fp nav_block) nav_stages
last_block last_stages t.
Definition get_current_block (fp: flight_plan) (e:fp_env): fp_block :=
(get_block fp (get_nav_block e)).
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ else {
(** Function that return the c_code of the nav_cond if it is possible *)
Definition approaching_time_sem (p: fp_params_go): c_code :=
Definition approaching_time_sem (p: fp_params_go): c_cond :=
match get_go_approaching_time p with
| AT a => a
| ET e => "-" ++ e
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Definition mk_fp_pderoute := create_fp_pderoute.
Definition fp_params_return := bool. (** reset_stage : default value false*)
(** Conversion of a option C code into a trace *)
Definition fp_exec_to_trace (exec: option c_code): fp_trace :=
Definition opt_c_code_to_trace (exec: option c_code): fp_trace :=
match exec with
| None => nil
| Some e => (C_CODE e) :: nil
......@@ -187,16 +187,16 @@ Module COMMON_FP_FUN (G_FP: GENERIC_FP) <: COMMON_FP_FUN_SIG G_FP.
(** Getter for block params *)
Definition get_code_block_pre_call (block: fp_block): fp_trace :=
fp_exec_to_trace (get_block_pre_call block).
opt_c_code_to_trace (get_block_pre_call block).
Definition get_code_block_post_call (block: fp_block): fp_trace :=
fp_exec_to_trace (get_block_post_call block).
opt_c_code_to_trace (get_block_post_call block).
Definition get_code_on_enter (block: fp_block): fp_trace :=
fp_exec_to_trace (get_block_on_enter block).
opt_c_code_to_trace (get_block_on_enter block).
Definition get_code_on_exit (block: fp_block): fp_trace :=
fp_exec_to_trace (get_block_on_exit block).
opt_c_code_to_trace (get_block_on_exit block).
(** Getter for enter/exit code of a block *)
Definition on_enter (fp: flight_plan) (id: block_id): fp_trace :=
......@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ Module EXTRACT_TRACE_FPENV (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
apply (trace_appended_trans
(trace_appended_app_trace e [COND c true])).
apply (trace_appended_trans
(trace_appended_app_trace _ (fp_exec_to_trace code))).
(trace_appended_app_trace _ (opt_c_code_to_trace code))).
apply (trace_appended_trans (extract_goto_block' _ id)).
apply trace_appended_refl.
......@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ Module MATCH_FPS_C (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
Lemma exec_to_trace_fp_trace:
forall func,
fp_trace_to_trace (fp_exec_to_trace func) = exec_to_trace func.
fp_trace_to_trace (opt_c_code_to_trace func) = exec_to_trace func.
Proof. by destruct func. Qed.
Lemma app_trace_preserve_match:
......@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ Module FP_TO_FPE_VERIF (EVAL_Def: EVAL_ENV)
simpl in Hex.
destruct (FP_BS.Common_Sem.goto_block _ _ _) as [e'' o''] eqn:Hg;
symmetry in Hg.
remember (fp_exec_to_trace _) as t.
remember (opt_c_code_to_trace _) as t.
have Hg' := match_goto_block (match_app_trace t He2') Hg;
destruct Hg' as [e2'' [Hg' He2'']]; exists e2''.
injection Hex as Hres He1'.
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