Komodo version 0.3.0 - Nushell bumped to 0.93.0 - new `.nushell` module - `.nushell color` has tests - removed out-of-scope examples such as `curves` - rewrote Criterion benchmarks to PLNK in `bins/benchmarks/` - `komodo::fec::decode` will now early return an error if no shards are provided - new "recoding" tests have been written for `komodo::fec::decode` - `komodo` tests run for both Vandermonde and random encoding matrices now - the `from_vec_vec` and `vandermonde` methods of `komodo::linalg::Matrix` have been split into "checked" and "unchecked" versions -----BEGIN SSH SIGNATURE----- U1NIU0lHAAAAAQAAADMAAAALc3NoLWVkMjU1MTkAAAAgr4qZ79Uch/7P6urGKZ2Fgnd22Y /SaMCePWnjfIODIk4AAAADZ2l0AAAAAAAAAAZzaGE1MTIAAABTAAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5 AAAAQGrrf0zygH0o6iOHxll9EV1a+yNqjqI2WFZUHRgbOriQcojw4Ahxmiy4vjVkIIOF06 ZxFEf05yf2JjsTAEW/YQc= -----END SSH SIGNATURE-----