GPLT version 0.7.0 - consistent error system with rich output - custom and simple logging system - proper error messages when loading invalid JSON, i.e. without complete useless traceback - `--graphs-file` for `plot` and `--data-file` for `multi-bar` have been renamed to a common `--json-data-file` - new options for `plot` - `--no-legend` to remove the legend - `--x-scale-base` and `--y-scale-base` to change the bases of log scales - saving the plots is now handled outside of `plot.plot` and `multi_bar.multi_bar` - give errors when trying to run `` or `` directly - changes to `plot` - input type annotations should be correct now, especially with optional fields - add runtime checks of the JSON data given to `plot` through the main script by the user: will give errors when missing fields and warnings when extra unknown fields - other improvements and refactor -----BEGIN SSH SIGNATURE----- U1NIU0lHAAAAAQAAADMAAAALc3NoLWVkMjU1MTkAAAAgr4qZ79Uch/7P6urGKZ2Fgnd22Y /SaMCePWnjfIODIk4AAAADZ2l0AAAAAAAAAAZzaGE1MTIAAABTAAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5 AAAAQJW4HzujnDkK/hOodc+KYAyPLvKoztZl23AwUFuyUOlN70hCThK5XgCsHEAQtARx+u Qql2Kppo88Wuv/B8xxUwg= -----END SSH SIGNATURE-----