GPLT version 0.5.0 - add new options to _plot_ - `--legend-loc` - `--x-ticks-rotation` - `--x-ticks` - `--x-tick-labels` - `--y-ticks` - `--y-tick-labels` - `--font` ```nuon { size: 15, family: serif, sans-serif: Helvetica, } ``` - `--use-tex` - better style configuration ```nuon { color: null, line: { marker: { shape: "o", size: 5, }, type: null, width: null, alpha: 1.0, }, error: { alpha: 0.3, }, } ``` - rename `--aspect-ratio` to `--fig-size` and accept floats - add nice errors when `$.points` is ill-defined - use better grids when using log scales - expand the path given by the user to save figures -----BEGIN SSH SIGNATURE----- U1NIU0lHAAAAAQAAADMAAAALc3NoLWVkMjU1MTkAAAAgr4qZ79Uch/7P6urGKZ2Fgnd22Y /SaMCePWnjfIODIk4AAAADZ2l0AAAAAAAAAAZzaGE1MTIAAABTAAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5 AAAAQGA0QOARG+5Hwh2+/ESDxJ89vkcSm5wZQd+KJ1hmiSk36zCp0SPySn1fVCxHgnfZ04 GZa6QxNnYIMc1gKMopXA0= -----END SSH SIGNATURE-----