GPLT version 0.4.0 - new options for `plot` - `--graphs-file` for very long data - `--x-lim` and `--y-lim` to limit the axes - new options for `multi-bar` - `--data-file` for very long data - the `$.name` key in the graphs data for `plot` is now optional, no legend will be shown for graphs missing this field - with `plot`, the alpha value of both the error and the line can be set independently in `$.style` -----BEGIN SSH SIGNATURE----- U1NIU0lHAAAAAQAAADMAAAALc3NoLWVkMjU1MTkAAAAgr4qZ79Uch/7P6urGKZ2Fgnd22Y /SaMCePWnjfIODIk4AAAADZ2l0AAAAAAAAAAZzaGE1MTIAAABTAAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5 AAAAQOFtVKT3z8SaesM3se4qw27onqjOtIDyxaIDab6fFj1s3OwJg2hsWJvyVdaml9HBMX zbehiEaPE3JSmny+b2yAY= -----END SSH SIGNATURE-----