• Mario Coppola's avatar
    Pullrequest relative localization filter (#2262) · a7339971
    Mario Coppola authored and Gautier HATTENBERGER's avatar Gautier HATTENBERGER committed
    * added files (tested)
    * fixed code style
    * removed RLFILTER from default_rotorcraft.xml
    * fixed xml file, changed 2.0 to .f for floats, removed typedef + checked that it builds
    * fixed float_mat_transpose --> float_mat_transpose_square and float_mat_transpose_general --> float_mat_transpose
    * pprz_algebra_float set o[i]=0 at line 717
    * [relative_localization_filter] RL_NUAVS changed from all to just other observed
    * [relative_localization_filter] ID_array -> id_array
    * [decawave_anchorless_communication] added acceleration and yaw rates readings to uwb message
    * [relative_localization_filter] line 91, changed 5 to RL_NUAVS+1 and added explanation
    * [relative_localization_filter] added comments to global variables
    * [relative_localization_filter] moved ekf_rl to c file
    * [relative_localization_filter] added abi message
    * [relative_localization_filter] fixed abi message + check build
    * [relative_localization_filter] added line end + added if guard too pprz message + changed float_mat_identity_scal to float_mat_diag_scal
    * [relative_localization_filter] updated ABI name + added vz to ABI message + added a few comments + tested
    * update pprzlink reference to include RLFILTER message